In SimpliPlan, there are four modes: Room mode, Furnish mode, Materials mode and Installations mode.
Room mode
To enter Room mode:
- Click the Room icon, located in the vertical bar at the left of your screen:
In Room mode, users can:
- Select a predefined room shape for their plan.
- Rotate and mirror a room.
- Draw a room manually.
- Add walls to a room.
- Edit the walls of a room.
- Insert and edit pre-walls.
- Insert and edit windows.
- Insert and edit doors.
- Insert and edit platforms.
- Insert and edit niches, openings and material areas.
- Insert and edit components.
- Edit the height of the room.
Furnish mode
To enter Furnish mode:
- Click the Furnish mode icon, located in the vertical bar at the left of your screen:
In Inventory mode, users can:
Materials mode
To enter Materials mode:
- Click the Materials mode icon, located in the vertical bar at the left of your screen:
In Materials mode, users can:
- Add tiles.
- Add textures.
- Use material tools to alter tiles and textures; Move material, Rotate material, Scale material, Material picker, Create material area and Adjust end strips.
Installations mode
To enter Installations mode:
- Click the Installations mode icon, located in the vertical bar at the left of your screen:
In Tools mode, users can: