In SimpliPlan, the Display icon is used to adjust the appearance of the user's plan in Presentation mode. This is useful when users are creating renders for display. For more information, see How to render images.
In Presentation mode:
- Click the Display icon:
The Display menu will open, users can now adjust the appearance of their plan under the Post processing and Visibility tabs.
Post processing
Under the Post processing tab, users can:
- Adjust the time of day by using the Daytime slider.
- Adjust the brightness of lights in the plan using the Room lights slider.
- Adjust the direction of natural light in the room, and the position of reflections, using the Incidence of light slider.
- Toggle light effects, such as reflections and shadows, by ticking or unticking Light effects.
- Toggle shadows in the room by ticking or unticking Shadows.
Note: If Light effects is unticked, shadows will not be shown. - Adjust the exposure, saturation, contrast and white balance / colour temperature using the Exposure, Saturation, Contrast and White balance / colour temperature sliders.
- Click the Draw mode icons to switch between Standard, Edged, Edged (transparent) and Black / white.
- Adjust the field of view, using the Field of view slider.
Under the Visibility tab, users can:
- Click the Inventory icons to alter the visibility of manufacturer's objects by switching between Visible, Shaded and Hidden.
- Click the Platforms / components icons to alter the visibility of platforms and components by switching between Visible, Shaded and Hidden.
- Toggle the visibility of walls, objects embedded in walls, blocked areas, wall measurements, manual measurements, labelling, lines and symbols using the Hide wall automatically, Hide objects in walls automatically, Blocked areas, Wall measuring, Manual measuring, Labelling / lines and Symbols switches.
- Toggle the 2D appearance of windows and doors, and the detail of windows and doors using the Window opening areas in 2D, Door opening areas in 2D and Detailed windows/doors in 2D switches.
Note: These settings only effect the 2D view of the plan.
Under the Measuring/Labelling tab, users can toggle the visibility of measurements, labelling and lines and symbols.
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